When: Wednesday, Feb 26, 5:30pm-8pm
Location: DCM, 2420 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA
This event is open to BayBrazil members only. Space is limited.
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Dorothea Werneck has held prominent roles in the Brazilian Government.
She joined the Government in 1975 and was Secretary of Wages and Employment, Secretary of Planning, National Secretary of Economy, Deputy Minister of Finance and Executive Director of the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (APEX).
In 1989 she made headlines as the first woman to serve as Minister of Labor under President Jose Sarney. In 1995 she was appointed Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Tourism under President Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
Currently, Dorothea Werneck is the Secretary of Economic Development at the Minas Gerais State Government, Chairman of the Board of the Energy Company of Minas Gerais (CEMIG) and member of the Board of the Minas Gerais Development Bank (BDMG).
On Feb 26 she will have a conversation with Andre Levi, CFO at DCM, and BayBrazil members on her perspective on the Brazilian economy, currency devaluation, concerns over inflation, the challenges and opportunities for foreign companies to do business in the country.
Speaker: Dorothea Werneck
Moderator: Andre Levi, CFO at DCM
“ I thought it was fantastic and very informative to hear Dorothea Werneck’s views and experience with Brazil economic, political, social topics. That was one of the best events I have ever attended in the Bay area actually!” Christina Caamano, Director Advisory Services, High Street Partners
Our thanks to Dorothea Werneck for the in-depth analysis of Brazil’s economy! And, thanks to Andre Levi, of DCM, for hosting and moderating the conversation!